The Department of Elections in the City and County of San Francisco has released its seventh preliminary election results report for the March 5, 2024, Consolidated Presidential Primary Election. According to John Arntz, the Director of the Department of Elections, "Today’s preliminary results report includes 22,898 vote-by-mail ballots counted since the previous results report issued yesterday." The report also revealed that "Today’s preliminary results report includes votes from approximately 45,796 ballot cards since the ballot is comprised of two cards."As the...
The Department of Elections in the City and County of San Francisco has released its sixth preliminary results report for the March 5, 2024, Consolidated Presidential Primary Election. According to John Arntz, the Director of the Department of Elections, "Today’s preliminary results report includes 61,291 vote-by-mail ballots counted since the previous results report issued yesterday."The report also states that there are approximately 37,500 ballots left to be processed and counted in the March 5 Election. This includes 30,000 vote-by-mail ballots and 7,500 provisional...