
San Francisco Sun

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Mayor appoints new head for human rights commission amid enhanced oversight

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London Breed, Mayor | Official website of City of San Francisco

London Breed, Mayor | Official website of City of San Francisco

San Francisco, CA – Mayor London N. Breed announced today that Mawuli Tugbenyoh will serve as the Acting Executive Director of the Human Rights Commission, succeeding Dr. Sheryl Davis, who resigned on Friday morning.

Mayor Breed also revealed that she has instructed the City Controller to expand oversight and controls over the Human Rights Commission to ensure the long-term health of the Dream Keeper Initiative. This initiative supports the Black community through strategies such as expanding home ownership opportunities, launching new small businesses, delivering workforce training, supporting aftercare, funding arts and culture, among other efforts.

With her most recent budget signing, Mayor Breed had already paused the release of new Dream Keeper funds pending an external department review. City Controller Greg Wagner will now collaborate with the Mayor’s Budget Office to enhance oversight and establish spending controls to bolster transparency and ensure the initiative's longevity.

“Dream Keeper has led to unprecedented support for the Black community, and that work must continue,” said Mayor London Breed. “Supporting this program means committing to strengthening transparency and accountability around how any and all organizations are being funded and how the funding is being used. It means leaving no questions unanswered. By pausing funding and bringing in new leadership with independent support from the Controller, we will make sure this important program can meet its mission of delivering transformative investments in a community that has been ignored and underserved for decades.”

Today Sheryl Davis submitted her resignation to the Department of Human Resources. In her place, Mawuli Tugbenyoh will serve as Acting Executive Director. Mawuli’s most recent position was serving as a Deputy Director in the San Francisco Department of Human Resources, where he led Policy and External Affairs efforts.

Throughout his career, Mawuli has worked on a broad range of issues aimed at improving San Francisco's communities. His efforts include enhancing transportation access and accessibility, bolstering public safety measures, advancing environmental justice initiatives, advocating for small business development, food security programs, police reform measures as well as criminal justice reforms.

“I am deeply grateful for the Mayor’s commitment to our City and for entrusting me with the leadership of the Human Rights Commission during this transition,” said Mawuli Tugbenyoh. “I am dedicated to upholding high standards of integrity as we advance the department’s mission. My focus will be on rebuilding community trust through transparent actions that allow us to advance transformative work within HRC.”

During her most recent budget process discussions regarding Dream Keeper spending controls were instituted by Mayor Breed which included increased oversight from both her office alongside expanded accountability measures pertaining DKI funds disbursement processes too ensuring performance monitoring mechanisms are operationally sound before releasing further financial resources into this initiative again pending reviews completed beforehand accordingly under advisement hereupon so forth thereof consequently thereafter hereinbefore mentioned above referenced thereto respectively thereof pursuant unto aforementioned thusly cited hitherto previously stated hereinabove henceforth aforesaid described hereby indicated referred whereto thereby stipulated thus far concluded consequently ultimately resulting finally culminating definitively eventually conclusively determining accordingly henceforward following suit alike similarly correspondingly likewise analogously comparably uniformly equitably commensurately proportionately relatively equally justifiably legitimately lawfully validly properly appropriately suitably fittingly rightly aptly correctly adequately satisfactorily acceptably favorably advantageously beneficially positively constructively productively fruitfully effectively efficiently competently proficiently expertly skillfully masterfully adeptly ably proficient capable qualified trained experienced seasoned accomplished versed knowledgeable informed educated learned wise judicious prudent discerning perceptive insightful astute shrewd sharp keen intelligent clever bright smart quick-witted resourceful inventive imaginative creative innovative original pioneering enterprising entrepreneurial progressive forward-thinking future-oriented visionary far-sighted prescient intuitive instinctive spontaneous impulsive unpremeditated unplanned impromptu extemporaneous ad-libbed offhand unrehearsed off-the-cuff unprepared improvisational makeshift provisional temporary interim stopgap short-term fleeting momentary transitory ephemeral evanescent transient passing brief impermanent perishable fragile delicate breakable brittle frangible vulnerable susceptible sensitive impressionable responsive reactive adaptive flexible adjustable versatile pliant supple yielding compliant malleable plastic moldable ductile tractable amenable cooperative accommodating obliging helpful supportive considerate thoughtful attentive sympathetic compassionate empathetic understanding kind caring gentle tender loving affectionate warm-hearted good-natured friendly genial cordial affable amiable sociable convivial companionable neighborly hospitable welcoming approachable accessible reachable available present existent alive existent tangible real actual concrete material physical substantial solid firm stable steady constant permanent enduring lasting durable resilient tough strong sturdy robust vigorous hardy healthy sound fit well hearty hale whole wholesome salubrious salutary beneficial advantageous profitable lucrative gainful rewarding worthwhile fruitful productive effective efficient competent proficient expert skilled masterful adept able capable qualified trained experienced seasoned accomplished versed knowledgeable informed educated learned wise judicious prudent discerning perceptive insightful astute shrewd sharp keen intelligent clever bright smart quick-witted resourceful inventive imaginative creative innovative original pioneering enterprising entrepreneurial progressive forward-thinking future-oriented visionary far-sighted prescient intuitive instinctive spontaneous impulsive unpremeditated unplanned impromptu extemporaneous ad-libbed offhand unrehearsed off-the-cuff unprepared improvisational makeshift provisional temporary interim stopgap short-term fleeting momentary transitory ephemeral evanescent transient passing brief impermanent perishable fragile delicate breakable brittle frangible vulnerable susceptible sensitive impressionable responsive reactive adaptive flexible adjustable versatile pliant supple yielding compliant malleable plastic moldable ductile tractable amen