
San Francisco Sun

Sunday, September 29, 2024

California U.S. Rep Nancy Pelosi: "Barbara Walters was a trailblazer and an icon: transforming television journalism with her intellect..."


Nancy Pelosi tweeted the following:

"Barbara Walters was a trailblazer and an icon: transforming television journalism with her intellect and integrity, courage and poise.

For decades, she never shied away from asking the tough questions to people in power, and she never tired in her relentless pursuit of truth."
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Here are other recent tweets from Nancy Pelosi:

".@COVIDOversight conducted extensive investigative work into the use of pandemic relief funds. Its recommendations will strengthen our ability to prevent and respond to future public health emergencies. coronavirus.house.gov/news/press-rel" on Dec. 30, 2022
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"Thank you to all of the hard-working Members and staff of these Select Committees. Your important contributions over the last two years have made a difference to the Congress and to our Country." on Dec. 30, 2022
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".@ModernizeCmte'sfinal report marks the culmination of a four-year effort to strengthen the Congress ability to fulfill our Constitutional roles making over 200 recommendations for reform while serving as a model of collaborative, bipartisan lawmaking. modernizecongress.house.gov/final-report-1" on Dec. 30, 2022
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