
San Francisco Sun

Sunday, September 29, 2024

“ACTIVE SHOOTER ALERT ACT OF 2022.....” published by Congressional Record in the Extensions of Remarks section on July 19

Politics 2 edited

Nancy Pelosi was mentioned in ACTIVE SHOOTER ALERT ACT OF 2022..... on page E751 covering the 2nd Session of the 117th Congress published on July 19 in the Congressional Record.

The publication is reproduced in full below:



speech of


of california

in the house of representatives

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Ms. PELOSI. Madam Speaker, I rise today in support of the Active Shooter Alert Act: another strong step to help save lives from the scourge of gun violence.

As we all know, our Nation witnessed a horrific mass shooting at a holiday parade in Highland Park, Illinois--stealing at least seven beautiful souls, shattering innocent families and forever scarring the community.

Over the Fourth of July weekend alone, more than 220 Americans were tragically shot and killed--the latest surge of shootings in a year that has already seen more than 20,000 heartbreaking gun deaths.

Sadly, this epidemic has reached a fever pitch, with:

Countless mass shootings, from Uvalde to Buffalo and many more; and

The daily massacre of gun crime, which rarely makes the evening news.

These shootings often unfold in the heart of our communities: in our schools and on our streets; at our malls and in our movie theaters.

But in active shooter situations, there's currently no efficient, effective way for law enforcement to warn the public--putting more lives at risk.

That is why, today, the House will pass strong, bipartisan legislation to quickly warn communities when a gunman opens fire.

Our Active Shooter Alert Act will help set up a system similar to AMBER Alerts--helping state and local law enforcement agencies to notify those in the area of an active shooter threat.

Let us salute an unyielding champion in the fight against gun violence, Congressman David Cicilline, for crafting this commonsense and lifesaving measure.

Importantly, this bill has the support of many major law enforcement organizations. They know firsthand the challenges of keeping families safe in an active shooter scenario--and they are calling for this legislation.

When we brought this legislation to the Floor three weeks ago, it was overwhelmingly opposed by House Republicans.

Their opposition to this legislation is unconscionable and inexplicable.

Why would anyone vote against keeping communities better informed of potential danger?

Why would anyone vote against ensuring innocent children do not accidentally walk into the line of fire?

Why would anyone vote against the responding to the needs of our law enforcement heroes?

Nevertheless, today--with or without Republican support--our House Democratic Majority will proudly pass this life-saving legislation.

This legislation builds on Democrats' determined leadership to end the gun violence crisis.

On Monday, many of us gathered at the White House to celebrate the enactment of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act: the most significant gun violence prevention legislation in three decades.

While more is needed, this bill will take steps to save lives:

Encouraging states to establish Extreme Risk Protection Order laws;

Combating illegal straw purchases;

Moving to close the boyfriend loophole; and

Expanding background checks for buyers under 21; and more.

Meanwhile, our Majority has twice passed the Bipartisan Background Checks Act and the Enhanced Background Checks Act, to secure universal background checks on all gun purchases.

And last month, we passed our Protecting Our Kids Act to:

Raise the age to 21 years old to buy weapons of war;

Ban high-capacity magazines designed for mass murder; and

Ensure safe storage to protect our children from tragic accidents and take additional steps to save lives.

Madam Speaker, our fight to prevent gun violence is of, by and for the children.

Of the children, because they are suffering. It is heartbreaking that, in America, more children die from guns than any other cause.

By the children, because they are leading. We see them marching in the streets, testifying before the Congress, demanding action.

And always For The Children: building a future where every child can reach his or her fulfillment, free from the fear of gun violence.

Protecting our children must be a unifying mission in the Congress--

as it is a unifying issue for the American people.

Nowhere will we find more agreement than this commonsense measure to help keep innocent families out of the line of fire.

And we strengthened in this fight by the courage and commitment of President Biden: author of the Brady law in 1994, champion of the assault weapons ban and a long-time leader on this important issue.

With that, I urge a strong, bipartisan ``aye'' vote for this life-

saving legislation.


SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 168, No. 119(1), Congressional Record Vol. 168, No. 119(2)

The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.

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